Friday, February 21, 2014

Off to Ethiopia

After three nights in Joburg and seeing how  a BMW is made can now understand why OZ car industry is going to the wall.
They make 330 cars per day and 2.5 days to make a completed car.
Tomorrow  I fly to Addis Ababa and meet up with World Vision and start the 10 day Field Trip.
I am aware that one of their flights got hijacked this week where the co pilot locked the other pilot out of the cockpit and diverted the flight to Geneva.
Fortunately no one was injured this time compared to Mozambique Airlines flight in December last year where they had a similar incident and the co pilot crashed the plane killing all on board.
Both incidents relate to mental health.
I am also travelling Mozambique Airlines in a few weeks.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pre Trip

After many months the time has come to venture off to Africa and support the rand.

If it is safe to do so I plan to visit three countries South Africa, Ethiopia and Mozambique.

Once again I have received great support from :

North Melbourne Football Club - 6 footballs, 20 water carriers and 18 Vests
Melbourne Tigers  - 30 basketballs
Qantas - 5 kgs excess waiver
Volley Ball Association of Australia - 12 volleyballs
Mitre UK - 4 soccer balls
Medical Supplies - doctors

My carry on bag will be my clothes for the trip so think I will be buying clothes in JNB.

The Ethiopia Field Trip has taken a lot of time in organising and is going to be a big learning experience. There are 8 people on the field trip (Tim Costello 4 days only) , Port Adelaide Football Chaplain, two Chemists representing Fullife Pharmacies, two World Vision Staff, photographer and myself.
Prior to the trip we were required to take part in security training, which covered terrorist and grenade attacks, hijacking, radio procedures, bribery  and ransom demands. So after doing this training we now have a better understanding of risks involved and preventive methods.
According to World Vision the country is classified as medium risk and our itinerary may change due to personal safety/security.
One thing I did learn is that you do not stay in hotels above the 3rd floor up as if there was a fire the ladder only reaches the third floor.
We will spend about 10 days travelling around the top part of the country and we will visit World Vision Projects, Camp Australia and Refugee Camps, so it is going to be very confronting but lets hope we can put smiles on children's faces.
I am told the Internet is like dial up and some days we will not have communication but I will try to update the blog when I can. I will be in Ethiopia from 22/2 to 6/3

After the Field trip I head back to South Africa and if it is "safe to do so" I fly up to Tete too see Pedrito, his family and the School.
Since my last visit, Mozambique has had a few security issues where the opposition has ripped up the peace agreement which ended the civil war and there has been a increase in number of kidnappings in Maputo. According to the Business Report there were 7 kidnappings in the first three weeks of this year.
At the moment Tete is clear of all this trouble but anything could happen over the next few weeks so I will be guided by World Vision whether I go to Tete or go to Capetown and inspect the wine bars.

I do hope I can get to Tete as we will be holding the "Mr John Flying Kangaroo Cup"at the local school which should be great fun. Due to the uncertainly of my visit Pedrito and his family will only be given 24 hours prior notice.

So by the time you read this entry I will be somewhere between Melbourne and Joburg. I have three nights in Joburg and during this time I will meet up with friends from the Reserve Bank of SA and enjoy a few SA wines and also visit the BMW Assembly Plant.